Paying tribute to the strength and majesty of the mighty whale, Andi Rachmansyah designs this necklace. He hand-carves the pendant from polished bone, and it is worn on a necklace of black cotton cords that can be adjusted in length by the sliding knots.
Product Features:
Story Behind the Art:
Bali's Andi Rachmansyah says, 'I became interested in carving when a friend introduced me to some artisans who worked in carving. I saw the way they worked and it was so amazing that I started to learn. My materials are plentiful, when compared to silver or gold. I work in bone and wood. My culture inspires me, and the natural world around me, like flowers, leaves and animals.'
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- Style: Pendant
- Color: Off-white, dark brown
- Materials: Cow bone, cotton cord
- Pendant: 30 mm wide x 51 mm long x 5 mm deep
- Necklace: 2 mm wide x 18.1-26 inches long